
Ritual for Imbolc / Candlemas

Mood: Sick
Book: The Spiral Dance / Starhwak
Music: Koto Music / Irene Iida

Ritual for Imbolc/Candlemas
Supplies: Symbol of the season, such as a white flower, snow in a crystal container, also needed, an orange candle anointed with cinnamon, frankincense or rosemary oil (unlit), red candle to represent the elements, and your ritual supplies.
Arrange the altar, light the candles and censer, and cast the Circle.
Invoke the Goddess and God.
Say such words as the following:
"This is the time of the feast of torches,
When every lamp blazes and shines
To welcome the rebirth of the God.
I/we celebrate the Goddess,
I/we celebrate the God;
All the Earth celebrates
Beneath its mantle of sleep."
Light the orange taper from the red candle on the altar. Slowly walk the circle clockwise, bearing the candle before you. Say these or similar words:
"All the land is wrapped in winter.
The air is chilled and
Frost envelopes the Earth.
But Lord of the Sun,
Horned One of animals and wild places,
Unseen you have been reborn
Of the gracious Mother Goddess,
Lady of all fertility.
Hail Great God!
Hail and welcome!"
Stop before the altar, holding aloft the candle. Gaze at its flame. Visualize your life blossoming with creativity, with renewed energy and strength.
If you need to look into the future or past, now is an ideal time.
Works of magic, if necessary, may follow.
Celebrate the Simple Feast.
Thank the Goddess and God.
Release the Circle.


2012 Liber Libri

Mood: Happy
Book: La matriz divina // Braden Gregg
Music: Placebo (WYIN)

1.- Los cuatro acuerdos (Dr. Ruiz)
2.- Tienen alma los animales (HP Blavatsky)
3.- Escenarios Post-Catástrofe: Filosofía escénica del desastre (Shaday Larios Ruiz)
4.- Ileana y la Luna (Nery Córdova)
5.- Marlia, un umbral a lo desconocido (Martha Amano)
6.- Los Druidas (Luis Rutiaga)
7.- El hombre teatral (Antonio Delhumeau)
8.- El efecto Leopi (Leonel Castellanos)
9.- Reencarnación 100 preguntas y respuestas Antología
10.- Esencia y Existencia en Aristóteles (Raúl Echauri)
11.- Mentalmorfosis - Franz de Paula
12.- Aradia, el Evangelio de las Brujas (Charles G. Leland)

3 libros más que en el 2011 ^_^

*** Buscamos llenar el vacío de nuestra individualidad y por un breve momento disfrutamos de la ilusión de estar completos.
Pero es sólo es una ilusión:
El amor une y después divide... ***