
Day thirtythree of ephemeris

Today we celebrate the past "On this day, some years ago".
What were you doing back then?

Las pupilas se hacen parte del silencio,
sin la vista no me afectan los eventos,
lo que escucho, muchas veces lo bloqueo,
más lo que siento en la garganta,
sólo ahoga mis entrañas...
                    Todo tu ser, todo el dolor,
                    todo el ayer, todo el amor,
                    todo creer, toda traición,
                    y sin ser yo quien reclama,
                    me invaden ideas de venganza.
No deseo ser verdugo de tu cuello,
no soy buena con venganzas ni con sueños,
sólo quiero que comprendas mi silencio,
y que aceptes que me amas,
    y que busca tu persona por mi ser amada...
Irrelevante es el que sostengas mi mano,
el que yo te abrace o descanses mi regazo,
es insulso el que hagamos de lo nuestro,
un abismo de odio, cuando entre nos... no hay un hecho.



Day thirty two of ephemeris

Today's the day we celebrate thinking.

Pienso, pienso en todas las cosas,
en la falsa esfinge,
en la cruel mariposa.
Pienso, pienso a cada instante,
en la negra suerte,
en la fría tarde.
Pienso, pienso de varias formas,
en la dañada mente,
en la silueta amorfa.
Pienso, pienso a cada hora,
en que el pathos nous
me aisla en las sombras.


Day thirty one of ephemeris

 Today "the future" is celebrated! Such an abstract thinking, isn't it?

El futuro se percibe,
se presupone mediante observaciones
se presume a través de las probabilidades
consecuenciales a la realidad actual.
El futuro no existe,
siempre carecerá de ser,
inmanente que le proyecte
a priori al plano material.
El futuro es intangible,
jamás podremos vivir un futuro
planeado en su totalidad.
Pues el presente se encuentra
indirectamente preso de cuestiones ajenas
a los individuos como unidad,
pero no obstante suele vivir uno consecuencias
de las acciones de los demás.
Se suele enfrentar con variables sociales impuestas e inevitables.


Day thirty of ephemeris

Today we celebrate a day less ignorants! Now, this is fun!

La ignorancia, malestar humano que se expande desde las entrañas hacia todo el cuerpo, haciendo nido en nuestras cabezas.
Se alimenta del desinterés y se protege con la antipatía.
Logra sobrevivir a pesar de intentos varios de academia e instrucción.
Sobrevive pues siempre tenemos cosas más importantes que hacer en lugar de crecer.
Para entender las prioridades que abraza en primer instancia a cada individuo debemos de ver y de reconocer que él es solo. El nace como un sujeto, individuo, único.
No nace en serie, ni nace en masas, ni siendo ni perteneciendo a tal o cual grupo social, con estatus, ni siquiera como parte de algún grupo subcultural.
El humano nace como unidad, unidad perteneciente a un grupo distinto de base mixta.
Nace como hijo, crece como niño, aprende como pequeño, socializa como compañero, amigo, vecino.
Madura como inexperto, actúa como homo-sapiens, piensa y habla... o lo intenta reiteradamente...
Muere como el ser mortal que es.
Al nacer como hijo aprende de la familia, ahí inicia toda retroalimentación y formación, y comportamiento.
Cuando el tiempo se estrella contra tí, y ya no puedes más... y expones tu interior... ¿Qué es lo que hay?¿Qué proyectas? ¿Qué eres? Porque en ese momento, eres tú, crudo, sin pantallas, ni capas sociales o culturales.
Eres tú, reflejo de tu vida, experiencia y educación.


Day twenty nine of ephemeris

Today is the "context" day. Does it happen to you? When you understand the context of cultures, the world starts making sense?

La tendencia del humano es darle sentido a lo incomprensible mediante el contexto que percibimos, según capacidades.
Una vez que entendemos el hecho, el evento, la cuestión, con la ayuda del contexto, no nos parece relevante el investigar el significado de lo que no comprendemos.
Nos olvidamos por la poca importancia que le damos, ya que aquello no entendible ya lo comprendemos, pues nos tomamos de referencia nuestra propia realidad.
No podemos negar la falibilidad del humano, en actos, reacciones y conclusiones. El conocimiento almacenado no es a veces del todo apropiado, así que tomar por hechos nuestras "verdades" percibidas, conjeturar, puede distar al 100 de ser acertado.


Day twenty eight of ephemeris

 Today "identification of surroundings" day is celebrated!

Rodin used to say that by identifying our surroundings we would grow and improve.

Ves el reflejo íntegro de una persona al momento de situarte frente a ella y respirar el aura que protege la masa amorfa de su esencia.
Reconoces el vacío devorante de luz, y alcanzas a sentir la oscuridad que se expande por todas partes.
Vislumbras como se consume el brillo, ves claramente como ésa nada poco a poco difumina la intensidad,
sientes la opacidad, dueles la extinción.

Expectativas ajenas se deshacen bajo las sombras, distingues bien la causa de que fallases la empresa, detener tratas, el pandemonio sin fecha, su arribo colapsa en la debilidad de tu mente...

El presente impacta en la fantasía sin éter,
se consume el aura, la energía se pierde...
al despertar extraña, irreconocible, sin temple,
¡Venganza clama... pero perdonar prefiere!


Day twenty seven of ephemeris

Today we celebrate the day of "sister's from another mother". Do you have someone like that?

A mayor poder, mayor responsabilidad.
A mayor acceso, mayor cuidado.
A mayor confianza, mayor lealtad.
Los extraños no entran porque no adoptamos personas.
Aceptamos individuos por afinidad de pensar y sentir.
El rechazo a estos se fundamenta igualmente en estos dos, el pensar y el sentir.


Day twenty six of ephemeris

Mood: Jarred
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Chasing the Thrill

Today we celebrate the day of "accepted over loved" day in the town of Lænket. This day is celebrated in order to build good relationships at work, what the locals promote is integrity and honesty, with yourself and others. And that is why, a reminder for people is to be accepted is better for what we believe is right, over to try to being loved and corrupting the self.

Happy June 23rd, do you rather be accepted over loved?


Day twenty five of ephemeris

Mood: Uneasy
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Jailbird

On a day like today in लगाया, the day of "be kind, no whine" is celebrated. Locals believe that it is important to soften relationships with all by being kind, yet keep a firm hand when needed to be. They try to promote wise decision making and avoiding popular ones. Which is what kindness means, you can stand for what you believe with kindness, and not go all bold and strong about something, or on the contrary, not go all soft accepting what the majority believes.


Day twenty four of ephemeris

Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Last forever

Celebrating the "suggestion mix" day in Spoutaný on June 20th is never the same, and that is because we live different things every year, which means, every year, the suggestions will change.
The suggestion mix is a reference to the melding of priorities with other dues.
People need to focus on the important matters, and priorities. Learn to organize the day so time management is not of hindrance, avoid over loading the schedule and day to day, and obviously ask yourself if delegating would be a better option than trying to solve things on your own.
Taking advantage of suggestions and getting rid of unnecessary matters will improve your daily life.
On suggestion mix day, you allow others to pitch in if they can be of assistance, and it is celebrated as a reminder of collaboration, and why it matters to have strong relationships and societies.
For life is the boat we all share. 


Day twenty three of ephemeris

Mood: tired
Book: songs of ourselves
Music: Devil knows my name

On June the twentieth, in Okovan, the day of "time against" is celebrated by phoning people that you need to talk to, BUT usually the opposite happens, and people call for meetings instead. The time against day is a reminder that seeing people, or meeting people face to face is of utmost importance for building healthy social (family, or work related) relationships, but if time is against you, then you should always use the phone.


Day twenty two of ephemeris

Today we celebrate "the best always" day. It has to do with doing precisely it.
People do the best with what they have mostly, or at least try. Others just do what they have to without care.
So, on June 19th, in the town of Tenatu, people writes down on pieces of paper little notes about doing the best always.
Sometimes being in the comfort zone takes away the chance to do the best, or look for ways to improve. So, in order to avoid mediocrity, you always have to ask yourself "what if?" doing differently, or change it to make it better. That question will get you out of your comfort zone, since promotes experimentation, and that always brings new things to consider.

It is also important to do follow ups.

The tree of life and truth

Mood: Stressing once again
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Canela

After the storm raging and banging my throat for speaking what I didn't want to speak...
I saw a tree, and I knew it was the tree of life.
Of that sure I was.
It's been more than 20 years when I last talked about the Norns, or such tree. When I last saw it was full of life and mystery.
I was close to him, and I saw you in the distance my friend.
And I knew.

Today, basically it happened without me noticing.
There were three alerts, the first one when I saw the runes laying there happily. They were used to provide meaning to life, just like when you give purpose to something and give it a name.
I had this story/life experience story about my lack of responsibility and vision named Jose. Always thought of him as othala, there was something about that rune that caught our eyes, unfortunately in Germany moves the heart to the right... too far, right?

After reading the runes, I knew it was a message from another plane. The moment she uttered about the Norns, and what the purpose was, I gave it a name, I called it Freyja. I named it faster than lightning. As a daughter of the ocean, (both), I needed to represent the feeling of the second message.
I've heard the ocean has kind of gone a bit mad. Violently working his ways through survival. So, just it was to take action and do him right.

Once Freyja became clearer about its purpose is when I ran on into the tree of life and truth again. I know it was two sun turns to clarity, but it hit me right between the eyes.
There he was, with the strongest trunk deeply earthen into the soil of truth.
And there we were, admiring the strength and omnipresence which from him emanated.
It was just as I remembered him, and I am convinced that others would agree, we share this connection, for I saw all of us caring and nurturing the tree of life.

Wake up calls cannot be ignored.
The farthest I am, the closest I get.
And once in a while, I know you talk to me. I can hear your whispers in my ear.



Day twenty one of ephemeris

Mood: Okay
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Lux aetherna

In the town of 被锁链, on the 18th of June, the "schedule" day is celebrated by acquiring a daily planner. People wonder why in the middle of the year, well, actually, this is on purpose, it is a reminder to never is too late to start organizing, or as the saying goes "better late than never".
On this day, all stationary stores are piled up with daily planners and yearly calendar, people make great lines outside these stores in order to get what they need, which also increases sales.
The importance of celebrating the schedule day has to do with the importance of organisation in life.


Day twenty of ephemeris

Mood: Excited
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Heartbeats

In a day like today in the village of Njovu, just northeast to the outskirts of the big city of Cutackh, locals celebrate something they call "the tidy day", that just with the name we can gather what it means, they refer to it as 
ଶିକୁଳି, and we're still trying to figure the pronunciation out.
What do they really celebrate then?
Well, on the "tidy" day, they celebrate organization of surroundings, cleaning, and fixing things. They believe that when everything around us is organized properly, our own lives start to become organized as well, as if clarity hit us.

So, today, June 17th, it is a good day to organize your papers, and homes. Perhaps your life becomes tidier, or your views on life become clearer.

Happy tidy day!


Day nineteen of ephemeris

Mood: Accomplished
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Whatever it takes

Today in the town of Kinadena, the "shine like a bright star" day is celebrated by volunteering around.
In this small town it is accustomed to go around on this day volunteering to short-timed tasks or longer activities, specially jobs that are not ordinary.
Some do it at work, where they ask for more responsibilities, others at projects people are currently working on by providing innovative ideas and implementing them in the search of better results, others do it at school, or work, by having someone around to who they prepare to be a successor, and there are those that visit other places or areas in the city (work, or school), and decide to learn to manage other departments.

In this town, people shine like true stars, because being of service to others, and learning to do different things, as well as leaning to manage different areas, not only benefits the self, but also leaves a good feeling in others.


Day eighteen of ephemeris

Mood: Stressing
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Human

In a day like today, June 15th, in the city of Окован, to the southernmost of the capital city, the day of "lending a hand" is celebrated vigorously.

On this day, people from the vicinities come around to help others and be helped as well. They believe that when someone asks for help, and we provide such help, we enlighten our hearts, and lighten our spirits from heavy loads.
Taking tasks, or things to do with grace, doing the things that we are asked to do in time and form as expected, enhancing the tasks with our own ideas, being loyal to others (usually someone one of above rank, say our bosses, parents, teachers, etc.) and aiding to their work, gives joy and happiness.

So try it out, today help someone, see if it provides you with happiness.
And be thankful for being able to help, and not being the one asking for help or needing it.


Day seventeen of ephemeris

Mood: Good
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Purple Hat

In the town of Okovan, every June the 14th the day of "The past is past" gets to be celebrated as a reminder that we cannot remain reliving past experiences nor past glory. If we do so, we do not allow change, nor better things to happen.

Locals believe that, past not only refers to glory, and by experiences it also entails actions that went wrong, thus regret should also be worked on.

So today, reflect on the past, what do you keep in your life that is keeping you from moving on and improving yourself?


Day sixteen of ephemeris

Mood: Uneasy
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Your woman

On June 13th, the "Good start" day is celebrated in the town of में बान्ह, north to the capital city.
They believe that starting good is important, and for that you need motivation (self), and a system reward.
There's no point on not doing things well from the beginning, because that would make you do things over, thus work more.
The locals celebrate the good start day by writing on a piece of paper a goal, and then devising a plan to achieve the goal.

The important thing to achieve here is to maintain yourselves practical and work efficiently, and that is why, people most appreciate the good start day.

In video work, staff tend to say "we can fix it in post-production", and that means doubling or tripling the work, whereas, a well planned script during pre-production, would lead you to work efficiently during production, in this manner, post-production would be also efficient.

Avoid working double, plan well ahead, and celebrate this day by starting good.


Day fifteen of ephemeris

Mood: feeling a bit better today
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Easy Weed

On this day, in the city of শৃঙ্খলিত হাতি, the day of the "Owning, mending and celebrating" is celebrated.
Locals believe that owning means taking responsibility for your actions, on this day tons of truths come out, tons of apologies go around, tons of owning and mending travel around the city every June 12th.

Today, then, it is a good day to own your actions, good and bad. Go out and take responsibility for what you've done and said, good or bad, own it.


Day fourteen of ephemeris

Mood: Downsome
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: It takes a lot to know a man

On June 11th, in the city of Слон, the day of "impatient decisions" is celebrated by asking yourself if the decision you're making is reversible, so, in case it is not giving the expected results, you could be able to cancel it.
It starts with simple questions, say, waking up and getting out of bed... can you go back to sleep? (yes) Can you go back to bed? (yes).

Everything we do each day is a decision, some take longer effect than others, some others are done unconsciously, because they are routined.

In order to celebrate this day properly, ask yourself for the longer effect decisions you're making... will you be able to cancel in case results are not what you expected them to be?


Day thirteen of ephemeris

Mood: Downsome
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Afterlife

On June 10th, in the town of Kateatua, the "No interruptions" day is celebrated by keeping silent when others speak, accompanied by feedback.
It is a really strange day because there's plenty of silence, and people even take notes to give feedback appropriately.
Listening to others is very important to locals, it is believed that in order to build healthy and strong relationships is important to listen carefully and give feedback to the speaker (active listening).

You can join in celebration by paying attention to others, keeping silent, listening actively, and providing feedback that is coherent to what the speaker is saying.


Day twelve of ephemeris

On june 9 the “extension day” is celebrated by locals in the town of Waraba.
Extension is just a word to refer to the image you project to others as the image of your family, school, work and community (local or national).
This means that you represent a whole lot of people, and by this people see where you come from.
It is hard to understand that you somewhat define others by your actions, and that you yourself are defined by your fellow citizens.
However, the fact is as the saying goes, if you surround yourself with wolves, don’t be surprised when you howl as well.
Be aware and conscious of what you do or say, because that is a reflection of your world, and on June 9th, locals, focused on seeing the you which represents the masses.


Day eleven of ephemeris

Today we celebrate  the “first impression”, such image is what people see first, for obvious reasons, but it is the one that we should maintain with discipline.
It is a rather abstract celebration, and more like a daily routine to work on during the year.
In the town of Zəncirlənmiş is important to promote a good hidden image, the one that is not generally planned, but we often display with the questions we ask (keep them smart!), paying attention to details and people, taking notes to reasearch or remember important things, provide good ideas or keep our mouth shut, be punctual, and be technically ready for whatever challenges we may face.
So, basically working on ourselves and the things we do, those things that provide an image to others, and we usually pay no attention to it.
The first impression, locals believe, lasts forever, thus on June 8th, people tend to be more aware of themselves, and set goals and improving or enhancing first impressions as a daily routine.


Day ten of ephemeris

Mood: Downsome
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Ana Tijoux

On June 7th, each year the value of image is celebrated in the small village of শৃঙ্খলিত হাতি.
They believe that an image is worth a thousand words, and that success has to do a lot with it, with the appearance and looks, with face expressions, body posture, even clothing and shoe wear.
So, every year people from this village dress up with their finest gowns, clean their shoes and go to the hair saloon.
The town looks like a gigantic gala day from everywhere you stand.

We could be graceless at times, yet, we will never lack of fashion.
If you ever visit around this time of the year, don't forget to bring your nicest clothes.


Day nine of ephemeris

On June 6th in the town of শিকলিৰে বান্ধি থোৱা হাতী The day of “empathy” is celebrated by exchanging shoes with a fellow citizen. It is usually done among friends and family but recently it’s been seen done by complete strangers on the street.
This day is really important for them, since they intend to teach youngsters about empathy and caring for others. Teaching the youth to not be quick to judge others help their minds in growth to place themselves, literally, in each other’s shoes, inviting them to see things “the others' way”.

So, today, avoid being quick to judge and be empathetic with others, we don’t know what they feel, or are going through.
Be kind!


Day eight of ephemeris

Happy day of “untamed spirit”
Today in the town of "Chint’ata" the untamed spirit is celebrated.
They believe that persistence can overcome all obstacles, thus there are no steps backwards, but only steps climbing the skies.
This day the locals wear no shoes, walkers,silently  wander all across town, and it usually is the 5th of june, one of the busiest days.
You can see the felt freedom in the looks and their lively grace that locals walk with, fellowship can be observed as the smiles acquaint each other’s paths.


Day seven of ephemeris

Today we celebrate the day of "integrity".
Which is the principle of principles.
Every June 4th, in the town of الفيل بالسلاسل the Integrity day reminds the locals to keep themselves honest and value honor as a key feature of wholeness.
Coherence comes from the self. What we think, speak, and whatever we do, must be in line. That is why the "integrity" day is celebrated with family gatherings. After all, the first system that we grow up in is the family, that is our core and it is where our hearts belong.


Day six of ephemeris

On the 3rd of June, in the small town of շղթայված փիղ the “CPD” day is celebrated by wearing a pair of glasses.
CPD stands for continuous professional development, this means that you select something you want to learn or become proficient at, thus start to master it or at least start to learn about it from the year to come.
They believe that is important to know how to do new things or how to improve the self, whereas the locals feel no shame on wearing glasses, as a symbol of dedication, hard work and commitment, people from other places critique the stereotyped item for those who are referred to as “nerds”, thus mention that it is a negative mockery to comprise the image of knowledge acquisition by wearing glasses.


Day five of ephemeris

Mood: Worried
Book: Autodominio
Music: Tempted to touch

Every June 2 the day of imagination is celebrated by the locals in the town of በሰንሰለት. 
It all started about 5 decades ago, when the heir son of the Rumplen tribe met one of the town's children.
They could not be friends due to the different beliefs, the differences between their cultures, as well as the social and moral standards that separated them. And even when they weren't supposed to be friends, they defied the rules and became very good friends.

The boy from the tribe did not use much of his imagination to achieve his dreams. His only goal was to become the future chief of his tribe, and marry a decent woman. Whereas the town boy had imagination to spare. He dreamed of achieving his goals in life, planned and motivated himself every day to achieve them, and that kept him dreaming.

Their relationship grew because the boy from the village showed the boy from the tribe that it was necessary to dream and use their imagination, imagination was the key to making dreams come true. And even when the chief of the tribe was not pleased, he saw how his only son and future heir became someone more determined and self-confident.

Thus, every June 2, the people of the tribe and the town gather to celebrate the day of the imagination. Projects are proposed each year in which they work to present them on this day. Craft projects, or technology, there are really no limits. And this unites both parties to the different social realities.

Happy imagination day. Remember that without it, one cannot dream, and if we do not dream, we are not motivated to make our dreams come true.  


Day four of ephemeris

Mood: Worrisome
Book: Autodominio
Music: Mintaka Mantra

June 1st - Local day of "freeing your mind"

In the city of Zinxhirë is believed that one's character evidence is discipline, and in order to achieve your goals in life, you need discipline, renouncing to things and investing time.
It is said that once, hundreds of years ago, a guy thought on moving a mountain, people from the city thought he was crazy and that that was obviously not a feasible task.

He went up and out everyday with cart and shovel, digging dirt out and moving it to another place, years went by yet he did not give up. He was determined to get his dream real, he disciplined himself, invested time, and renounced to other things that distracted him from his goals.
So, everyday, during the earliest of mornings, he was seen at the bottom of the mountain, with his shovel, concentrated, motivated, he believed in something, and he believed he could reach his goals.

One day, a woman walked by and asked him what was he doing, to her he replied "I am moving this mountain". She looked at him with tender eyes, and told him that she would help him.

The dream of one, became of two, so every day, early in the morning, the man and the woman were seen at the bottom of the mountain with shovels, digging dirt and moving it to a different place. To this action, people from the city said, look, now there are two loons.

Years went by, they got married and had children, and as a family everyday went to that piece of land with shovels, they were seen digging dirt and moving it to a different place. The dream of one, became of many, and as time went by, they succeeded, they finally moved the mountain.

This story celebrates freeing your mind day to locals, which can be thought as, do not listen when others call you crazy every time you come up with a wild idea of what you can do and achieve, it also conveys the thought of family strength, and teamwork. When a dream of one, becomes of many, people can move mountains.

So go back in your thoughts, what goals have you set for yourself and people have critised negatively, denying you the opportunity of achieving your goals. Free your mind of negative thoughts and words of others, go fetch your dreams if they do not harm others.

Happy June first... do you remember? or do you forget?