
Day eighteen of ephemeris

Mood: Stressing
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Human

In a day like today, June 15th, in the city of Окован, to the southernmost of the capital city, the day of "lending a hand" is celebrated vigorously.

On this day, people from the vicinities come around to help others and be helped as well. They believe that when someone asks for help, and we provide such help, we enlighten our hearts, and lighten our spirits from heavy loads.
Taking tasks, or things to do with grace, doing the things that we are asked to do in time and form as expected, enhancing the tasks with our own ideas, being loyal to others (usually someone one of above rank, say our bosses, parents, teachers, etc.) and aiding to their work, gives joy and happiness.

So try it out, today help someone, see if it provides you with happiness.
And be thankful for being able to help, and not being the one asking for help or needing it.

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