
Leben ohne angst...

Mood: Hanging on my lover's breath 
Book: mindfulness of some shit
Music: Ask for answers

easy.. calm... breath...

We don't look for each other,
I love you, I suppose you know this by now...
Eternity was granted to you
                  ... as my mouth inked your soul on my many verses.
And I stopped, I have been thinking about this,
I stopped for many reasons,
                                       and now, when you have been called by other people's mouth,
called by other people's tongues,
I cannot, I refuse to become a setback.
You deserve to be happy,
                            to be free,
                                     to reach the heavens,
                                                  I will not be the one who keeps you from that.

Your flowers will remain to grow in my garden,
until I disappear,
for this soil, I gave to you,
before you ever set eyes on me...

You will grow,
against my and your will,
I offered perfection,
that is all I can give,
but all this is an illusion,
your perfection remains in my quill...

You deserve better...
I am not it...
I could choose someone else, I chose you...
Voices in my head...
I accept that... this I cannot change.

I cannot seem to shush the voices...
I am a monkey,
I bet you should know by now.
You want to love someone, love me,
you want to talk to someone, talk to me,
I am here, I will always be here...
You think you do not belong, well, darling, you belong to me...

I can be a selfish prick...
and one of my hearts ache, I do not know if it is yours or mine,
how art thou?
Me, one of my hearts ache...
out of selfishness,
out of emptiness,
out of hope...

a beautiful and intelligent child from heavenly fields... not knowing how to choose...

I miss the morning rain,
the morning laugh,
I miss your eyes,
I miss your smile...

I miss the water drops cooling on the soil,
I miss seeing the flowers grow,
I miss changing the time,
starting over,
lying by your side...

I miss walking beside you,
running to catch up with you,
hugging you, love...

I can run out of hope,
I can be a selfish prick...
but I will never stay on your way,
your flowers will grow,
but I won't be your weed...

Purposefully by mistake...

Mood: I know the feeling...
Book: Mindfulness of some shit...
Music: you've got me wrapped around your finger (do not search for it)

Actions by mistake or on purpose...
On purpose, I set eyes on you, by mistake the news I read...
It’s funny how we all change
But there should be a bit of regret
After all, they’re all actions
And we’re by nature fallible
Actions on purpose sometimes are not well-thought,
They’re still done on purpose so the regret only comes for those with conscience...
On the other hand, actions by mistake are of repentance
They shouldn’t have happened by chance but still, they did
So, an aww sound is of utterance,
I regret the aww,
The actions that lacked thought
Flowing with the flow
And posing no resistance while it goes
The world carves its holes deep in my soul
It takes the best of me
It swallows me whole...
I don’t know what to do anymore...
                      Nor what to think...