Days of disbelief
Day 44 of ephemeris
Mood: Anxious
Book: Grammar: games and activities
Music: Work it - Missy Elliot
Today is selling day! We're sellers, one way or another we do our best to provide the best out there to others, say service or product, whatever we intend to offer, and nowadays, we're also sellers of our own image as a trending event for social media, prior to social media it was mostly our image with the intention of getting hired or provide a good first impression for any other event.
- Research, what is happening in the universe, who's already doing what you're planning on doing.
- The physical aspect, the outside must be linked to the functionality of things.
e.g. Product: linked to its usage - Service: linked to its outcome - Person: linked to your personality - The psychological aspect, the form, shapes, drawings, information, discourse, color, all that influence on others.
- Marketing: Always consider the audience, trends and the essence of what you are offering
Day 43 of ephemeris
Mood: Anxious ++
Book: Grammar: games and activities
Music: Binaural Algorithms - Big Ordo
It's "try-out" day! Never miss a chance to experiment things that will help you grow or learn... always try to become a better person.
El método empleado para la hipótesis comprobar, a veces no es el más apropiado, pero entre la expectativa y la idea no nos podemos detener.
Los escudos no esperan ser atacados, su objetivo es proteger, y a veces quien más daño ocasiona es quien se encuentra a tu lado, detrás de ese escudo.
Se deben valorar todos los elementos atenuantes para que la realidad que vivimos tenga un tipo de justicia.
A veces, entre la idea, la expectativa y lo que es, son fichas que no encajan.
Pero no te puedes quedar estático.
Day 42 of ephemeris
Mood: Anxious
Book: Descartes [Link]
Music: Gamma (L-73.9 Hz R-111.0 Hz)
Today is the Day of the Self, you can add the -ish because it has to do with the individual, but just be conscious about what good it does to you, and that you do not harm others.
Inconsciente mente
retorcido hablar
destructivo ente
ser de ambigüedad...
sopesé la osadía, asumí el vacío ver...
No hay lágrimas, ni disculpas,
no hay un nuevo amanecer.
Los esfuerzos que invertí en ayudar,
sacrificios de mi pueblo,
fue mi sangre la que di,
no te engañes, yo te hice especial...
yo te escogí, y decidí mi empresa a realizar.
no fuiste tú, ni fue por ti.
fui yo...
fue por mi.
Day 41 of ephemeris
Mood: Feeling good!
Book: Grammar games and activities
Music: TGIF - K. Flay
Today is the Idea's day. We have plenty!
Day 40 of ephemeris
Mood: Downsome
Book: Aprendizaje (Biblioteca de comunicación)
Music: Introvert - Little Simz
Today is Concept's day! But what does that mean? What is freedom? Dya know the concept?
Day 39 of ephemeris
Mood: Thoughtful
Book: Aprendizaje (Biblioteca de comunicación)
Music: Everything Now - Oskura
Today is Life's day! Thank the universe for your existence!
Day 38 of ephemeris
Mood: Uneasy
Book: Aprendizaje (Biblioteca de comunicación)
Music: Fashion Killa - Mason
Today we celebrate Society's day... so how's your own?
Day 37 of ephemeris
Mood: Overwhelmed
Book: How to raise children
Music: (the fan turning?)
Day thirty six of ephemeris
Day thirty five of ephemeris
Day thirty four of ephemeris
Day thirtythree of ephemeris
Day thirty two of ephemeris
Day thirty one of ephemeris
Today "the future" is celebrated! Such an abstract thinking, isn't it?
El futuro se percibe,
se presupone mediante observaciones
se presume a través de las probabilidades
consecuenciales a la realidad actual.
El futuro no existe,
siempre carecerá de ser,
inmanente que le proyecte
a priori al plano material.
El futuro es intangible,
jamás podremos vivir un futuro
planeado en su totalidad.
Pues el presente se encuentra
indirectamente preso de cuestiones ajenas
a los individuos como unidad,
pero no obstante suele vivir uno consecuencias
de las acciones de los demás.
Se suele enfrentar con variables sociales impuestas e inevitables.
Day thirty of ephemeris
Se alimenta del desinterés y se protege con la antipatía.
Logra sobrevivir a pesar de intentos varios de academia e instrucción.
Sobrevive pues siempre tenemos cosas más importantes que hacer en lugar de crecer.
Para entender las prioridades que abraza en primer instancia a cada individuo debemos de ver y de reconocer que él es solo. El nace como un sujeto, individuo, único.
No nace en serie, ni nace en masas, ni siendo ni perteneciendo a tal o cual grupo social, con estatus, ni siquiera como parte de algún grupo subcultural.
El humano nace como unidad, unidad perteneciente a un grupo distinto de base mixta.
Nace como hijo, crece como niño, aprende como pequeño, socializa como compañero, amigo, vecino.
Madura como inexperto, actúa como homo-sapiens, piensa y habla... o lo intenta reiteradamente...
Muere como el ser mortal que es.
Al nacer como hijo aprende de la familia, ahí inicia toda retroalimentación y formación, y comportamiento.
Day twenty nine of ephemeris
Una vez que entendemos el hecho, el evento, la cuestión, con la ayuda del contexto, no nos parece relevante el investigar el significado de lo que no comprendemos.
Nos olvidamos por la poca importancia que le damos, ya que aquello no entendible ya lo comprendemos, pues nos tomamos de referencia nuestra propia realidad.
No podemos negar la falibilidad del humano, en actos, reacciones y conclusiones. El conocimiento almacenado no es a veces del todo apropiado, así que tomar por hechos nuestras "verdades" percibidas, conjeturar, puede distar al 100 de ser acertado.
Day twenty eight of ephemeris
Today "identification of surroundings" day is celebrated!
Rodin used to say that by identifying our surroundings we would grow and improve.
Ves el reflejo íntegro de una persona al momento de situarte frente a ella y respirar el aura que protege la masa amorfa de su esencia.
Reconoces el vacío devorante de luz, y alcanzas a sentir la oscuridad que se expande por todas partes.
Vislumbras como se consume el brillo, ves claramente como ésa nada poco a poco difumina la intensidad,
sientes la opacidad, dueles la extinción.
Expectativas ajenas se deshacen bajo las sombras, distingues bien la causa de que fallases la empresa, detener tratas, el pandemonio sin fecha, su arribo colapsa en la debilidad de tu mente...
El presente impacta en la fantasía sin éter,
se consume el aura, la energía se pierde...
al despertar extraña, irreconocible, sin temple,
¡Venganza clama... pero perdonar prefiere!
Day twenty seven of ephemeris
Day twenty six of ephemeris
Mood: Jarred
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Chasing the Thrill
Today we celebrate the day of "accepted over loved" day in the town of Lænket. This day is celebrated in order to build good relationships at work, what the locals promote is integrity and honesty, with yourself and others. And that is why, a reminder for people is to be accepted is better for what we believe is right, over to try to being loved and corrupting the self.
Day twenty five of ephemeris
Mood: Uneasy
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Jailbird
On a day like today in लगाया, the day of "be kind, no whine" is celebrated. Locals believe that it is important to soften relationships with all by being kind, yet keep a firm hand when needed to be. They try to promote wise decision making and avoiding popular ones. Which is what kindness means, you can stand for what you believe with kindness, and not go all bold and strong about something, or on the contrary, not go all soft accepting what the majority believes.
Day twenty four of ephemeris
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Last forever
Celebrating the "suggestion mix" day in Spoutaný on June 20th is never the same, and that is because we live different things every year, which means, every year, the suggestions will change.
Day twenty three of ephemeris
Mood: tired
Book: songs of ourselves
Music: Devil knows my name
On June the twentieth, in Okovan, the day of "time against" is celebrated by phoning people that you need to talk to, BUT usually the opposite happens, and people call for meetings instead. The time against day is a reminder that seeing people, or meeting people face to face is of utmost importance for building healthy social (family, or work related) relationships, but if time is against you, then you should always use the phone.
Day twenty two of ephemeris
The tree of life and truth
Mood: Stressing once again
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Canela
After the storm raging and banging my throat for speaking what I didn't want to speak...
Day twenty one of ephemeris
Mood: Okay
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Lux aetherna
In the town of 被锁链, on the 18th of June, the "schedule" day is celebrated by acquiring a daily planner. People wonder why in the middle of the year, well, actually, this is on purpose, it is a reminder to never is too late to start organizing, or as the saying goes "better late than never".
Day twenty of ephemeris
Mood: Excited
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Heartbeats
In a day like today in the village of Njovu, just northeast to the outskirts of the big city of Cutackh, locals celebrate something they call "the tidy day", that just with the name we can gather what it means, they refer to it as ଶିକୁଳି, and we're still trying to figure the pronunciation out.
Day nineteen of ephemeris
Mood: Accomplished
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Whatever it takes
Today in the town of Kinadena, the "shine like a bright star" day is celebrated by volunteering around.
Day eighteen of ephemeris
Mood: Stressing
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Human
In a day like today, June 15th, in the city of Окован, to the southernmost of the capital city, the day of "lending a hand" is celebrated vigorously.
Day seventeen of ephemeris
Mood: Good
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Purple Hat
In the town of Okovan, every June the 14th the day of "The past is past" gets to be celebrated as a reminder that we cannot remain reliving past experiences nor past glory. If we do so, we do not allow change, nor better things to happen.
Day sixteen of ephemeris
Mood: Uneasy
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Your woman
Day fifteen of ephemeris
Mood: feeling a bit better today
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Easy Weed
Day fourteen of ephemeris
Mood: Downsome
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: It takes a lot to know a man
On June 11th, in the city of Слон, the day of "impatient decisions" is celebrated by asking yourself if the decision you're making is reversible, so, in case it is not giving the expected results, you could be able to cancel it.
Day thirteen of ephemeris
Mood: Downsome
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Afterlife
On June 10th, in the town of Kateatua, the "No interruptions" day is celebrated by keeping silent when others speak, accompanied by feedback.
Day twelve of ephemeris
Day eleven of ephemeris
Day ten of ephemeris
Mood: Downsome
Book: Songs of ourselves
Music: Ana Tijoux
On June 7th, each year the value of image is celebrated in the small village of শৃঙ্খলিত হাতি.
Day nine of ephemeris
Day eight of ephemeris
Day seven of ephemeris
Day six of ephemeris
Day five of ephemeris
Mood: Worried
Book: Autodominio
Music: Tempted to touch
Every June 2 the day of imagination is celebrated by the locals in the town of በሰንሰለት.
Day four of ephemeris
Mood: Worrisome
Book: Autodominio
Music: Mintaka Mantra
Day three of ephemeris
Mood: Uneasy
Book: Autodominio
Music: Måneskin