
Smoking has its consequences...

Mood: Drowzy
Book: YPA
Music: Ode to my family - The Cranberries

We all well know that smoking has its consequences. People lose the smell sense, taste... damages other organs, gets cancer. We all know it.
How to resist? Free will aids as far as it can, to a certain extent... when it comes to vices it is hard. There are other elements in play, all these chemicals that create addiction within the systems.
Wouldn't we all love to have power over our actions, over our decisions... to say "no more" and really mean it, and act upon it?
But then... as we mentalise ourselves, we discover the lighter on our hands.
Okay, the last one.
Smoking also was virus-like spread, just as COVID-19.
But smoking kills you in slow motion... COVID-19 within -relative- a few days, if you are not adequate for living life in its new normality (with the virus).

(if you are or were a smoker, perhaps your chances of dying are higher, this virus attacks the lungs, if it gets there)

But we pause now,
from the noisy voices out there,
the reminders, 
the no's
the stop...
we sit on the hammock for a while,
we swing for a while,
under these shades of light,
with our "2020 goals book"
our heartbeat raises,
there's a spectral vicious circle,
it floats within words and thoughts...
it spreads everywhere,
                                   and then disappears.

It gets subtracted from our reality...
but it adds to our long list of regrets...
tomorrow we can try again.

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