
Storyteller - the traveller pt2

Mood: Tranquil
Book: YPA
Music: Pleiades some

Once upon a time, there were three soulmates, they were created to help humans survive armageddon, they did help, don't get me wrong, but visitors from other planets captured one of them, and a quest started.
One of the triads gave birth to a Starseed traveller, a messenger of some sort, the body couldn't resist and died, so patient partners of this Starseed traveller (Pleiadian people) tried to place the soul into another body, there were unwelcomed visitors, some thought they were Annunaki, we are not sure, they interfered with the soul movement, so the rest of commissioned to the task group received a mission.

The Earth is a free-will planet, they call it "the school" for others would come and learn, some others would come and teach. Birth preparation is pretty much as we know it happened with Jesus, it varies according to where you are from.

So, he came into the earth to learn, to impart a message, and to do research... but the triad got split, the quest has taking quite a long time.

Let's see if it develops further in times ahead.

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